Hi everybody!! Currently, the world is relying on the 4.0 industry for development. One of the major platforms for developing the 4.0 industry is Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Kimera realized that, they created the project and planned the development. Let me introduce you to the Kimera project.
Kimera began developing its AGI technology by finding the answer to a basic scientific question: What is Intelligence? The answer led us to develop a General Theory of Intelligence. A concept, grounded in physics, which postulates that intelligence is the process of changing the composition of spacetime. This is the basis of our AGI system.
Kimera wants to move mankind forward by addressing the challenges we face as a species and disrupting an economic model that currently offers asymmetric benefits to the rich. The money raised from a Coin Offer (ICO) will be used to power this vision by integrating two technologies: Artificial Intelligence (AGI) and blockchain smart deals.


Artificial Intelligence is the idea of mechanical thinking at, or beyond, the level of human perception. AGI has ignored scientists for over six decades and is largely presented as narrow learning machines where a computer is programmed to solve specific problems. While governments and some corporations are pouring research money into pursuit of AGI, a practical approach has helped scientists discover - until now.


With the emergence of human-like thinking machines, a natural concern is job automation and the impact AGI would have on existing social and political structures. The problem is not job automation but rather an economic model that rewards large companies and governments at the expense of individuals. To 8 correct this imbalance, Kimera has designed a decentralized economic model that supports their intelligent network and empowers the individual. Through Kimera’s AGI technology we’ve transformed the global network into an intelligent entity that understands people and businesses, and anticipates what participants require to achieve their goals. Whether purchasing a single cup of coffee or helping a group of scientists discover cures for cancer, Kimera will lead participants to the right resources at the right time. Such AGI requires an exceptional amount of knowledge derived from continued observation of how our society functions.


Kimera envisions a future where people are surrounded by intelligent things that can understand each individual, anticipate their goals and proactively assist them in everyday life. This could translate into helping an individual book a plane ticket or helping all of society reducing homelessness. In this future, machines augment our thinking and either automate some decision making or proactively deliver the content or services needed to assist in the decision-making process. Unlike today’s digital app stores and online social networks where people actively seek out resources, Kimera’s solution automatically handles search and discovery behind the scenes. The capability of a truly intelligent machine will blend into the background of our lives, freeing people from constantly having to operate their devices and instead allow them to focus instead on living their lives to their fullest potential. The AGI fueling these machines, or objects, will be a non-sentient AGI that is completely void of “selfish goals” and instead focused on helping people pursue their individual goals. The aggregate result will be revolutionary impacts on society.


To move humankind forward, AGI needs a large amount of sensor data collected from connected devices. Some of these devices already exist and are currently generating data, such as smartphones or smart clocks. Other devices exist but not connected to the global network. The 20 billion devices 1 that are currently connected to the network are sufficient to start increasing AGI from infancy, but mature AGI will need more. Elan Musk & Bill Gates believes that AGI will create intelligence Super evil in a few minutes or a few hours after the AGI is turned on. "2 Their arguments do not explain where all the data will come from and how it will be processed. AGI will become an" observer "to build knowledge over time. To a point bigger than what exists today. To create this profound knowledge, Kimera designed the entire ecosystem encouraging users, developers, network operators, device manufacturers and others to participate in the network. how to connect the device and provide data. This will help create a global intelligence network that will support the next trillions of devices.


The reason middlemen are thriving today is because devices and networks lack intelligence. For example: Without Facebook, it would be more difficult to connect with friends and without Uber, it would be more inconvenient to find a ride. These middlemen are providing services which make the Internet easier to use. It also makes them dangerous and prone to manipulating people and using their personal data for nefarious reasons. The recent Facebook Cambridge Analytica scandal is an excellent example of the risk of personal data abuse by middlemen, and there are many more examples.
Kimera’s AGI solves this problem by providing devices and networks the collected intelligence needs to establish automated peer-to-peer (P2P) connections. Doing this allows these nodes (e.g. devices, apps and content) to cooperate, share software code, personalize content, and deliver unique user information and experiences without involving a middleman. People will continue to buy what companies sell, but in our model the revenue (USD 4 trillion+) flows back to device manufacturers, software and service providers, network operators, users, and everyone producing data from their devices who are connected through their use of Kimera’s technology.
From a technical point of view, Kimera's goal is to transform the global network from passive to active. For example, we believe AGI should be smart enough to call an auto taxi when you finish your dinner and already know your desired location.


Kimera's AGI uses three-tier hierarchical architecture (more technical information in the technology section):
● Layer 1: On the device itself
● Layer 2: An open source agent that people can store anywhere they want on the global network
● Layer 3: The original AGI button will be kept by Kimera and will be expanded to store online anywhere in the world. Kimera AGI is an infrastructure technology where AGI nodes run on the network. The bridge provides information on how to establish a peer-to-peer connection with any other networked device.
AGI can be considered as an infrastructure technology. Consider the following example:
Someone who wants to escape through the door will first notice the door open or closed. It is the brain that understands and evaluates the position of the door, and if it is closed, the brain will communicate with the appropriate muscle needed to open the body. In other words, it is the brain that determines what action is needed and communicates with the body to accomplish the task.
Similarly, an AGI node acts as a brain and devices - software applications, content and services are found globally - acting as body parts. When the AGI button understands what needs to change in our environment to help us get closer to accomplishing our goal, it tells these "body parts" . Influence changes in the environment and achieve the intended goal.
As a result, an active network establishes peer-to-peer connections on the global network to bring together the right actors, software, and content to impact appropriate changes in the environment.
These peer-to-peer connections provide great benefits to participants and software and content developers:
  1. Participants will notice that some decision making becomes autonomous. How much authority an Agent has for autonomous decision making is controlled by each person.
  2. When Agents cannot, or do not, have authority to make autonomous decisions, the right software is automatically delivered to people’s devices, providing people with the tools they need to move closer to their goals.
  3. Software developers who develop these applications (be it a shopping list, profile viewer, public transportation application, etc.) don’t have to worry about app distribution and marketing. Once the AGI Node sees a match between a person’s need and the value of an app, the AGI Node will recommend to a person’s Agent to present the app on their device.


The current race for AGI could be described as a “modern day Manhattan Project, with governments and corporations, such as Google, investing billions of dollars in the race to be the first to achieve AGI. Even Russian President Vladmir Putin has weighed in, stating that AI is key to beating the United States in defense. No matter a person’s personal politics, the power of AGI is undeniably immense. So, how did Kimera achieve AGI when scientists in general believe it is decades, even centuries, away.


All funds received from the ICO will be used for to bring Nigel AGI to market and mature the token economy. Specifically:


Kimera intends to aggressively execute on our business strategy to bring maximum value to token holders.






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